Our role in Oxfordshire

Our role in Oxfordshire

Active Oxfordshire is a local charity dedicated to fighting inactivity and tackling inequality.

Physical activity has the power to prevent multiple health conditions, improve mental health, prevent and reduce falls, build confidence, reduce isolation and so much more. We work together with over 110 partners to significantly improve Oxfordshire's health and wellbeing through physical activity, with a strong focus on areas of greatest need.

Active Oxfordshire is one of 42 Active Partnerships across the UK and a key system partner of Sport England, established to facilitate high level interventions to increase physical activity and develop sport across our community. We are very proud to work alongside Sport England as they deliver the new Uniting the Movement strategy across the UK.

Why do we exist?

Our strategy 2023-2027

Working together with partners to improve health and wellbeing

Partnerships are critical to every aspect of our work. We co-ordinate two major countywide programmes YouMove and Move Together, which combined reach more than 7,500 residents every year, helping them to improve their health and wellbeing through increasing physical activity.

These programmes see us working with county and district councils, Public Health, Integrated Care Board, leisure providers, health professionals, voluntary sector, schools and businesses - partners from multiple sectors, all working together towards the shared goal of improving Oxfordshire's health and wellbeing.

Oxfordshire on the Move

Oxfordshire on the Move launched in March 2023, and is a whole systems approach for physical activity in the county. Partners, community groups and residents can join our new social movement, all working together towards four collective ambitions. So far, more than 100 organisations across 12 sectors have been involved in the co-creation of Oxfordshire on the Move.

About Oxfordshire on the Move